Nuklearna grožnja zaradi računalniških virusov?

Objavljen je dokument z naslovom "Hacking Nuclear Command and Control" – Jason Fritz BS (St. Cloud), MIR (Bond). Dokument podrobno preučuje možnosti vdora v vojaške sisteme, nevarnosti vohunskega programja, ki bi ga lahko uporabili hekerji, da bi pridobili kontrolo nad jederskimi vojaškimi sistemi.

V dokumentu avtorji med drugim izrazijo tudi zaskrbljenost glede odločitve o instalaciji Windows na jederske podmornice. Na namizjih najbolj uporabljen operacijski sistem, je hkrati tudi najbolj dovzeten za okužbe. Vdor v omrežje ima lahko katastrofalne razsežnosti.

"Adding further to the concern of cyber terrorists seizing control over submarine launched nuclear missiles; The Royal Navy announced in 2008 that it would be installing a Microsoft Windows operating system on its nuclear submarines. The choice of operating system, apparently based on Windows XP, is not as alarming as the advertising of such a system is. This may attract hackers and narrow the necessary reconnaissance to learning its details and potential exploits. It is unlikely that the operating system would play a direct role in the signal to launch, although this is far from certain. Knowledge of the operating system may lead to the insertion of malicious code, which could be used to gain accelerating privileges, tracking, valuable information, and deception that could subsequently be used to initiate a launch. Remember from Chapter 2 that the UK’s nuclear submarines have the authority to launch if they believe the central command has been destroyed."

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